
Monday, April 8, 2013

Dinner Inspired by Pinterest

For those you that saw my Facebook post yesterday, I had a lot of Pinterest projects going on.  3 Pinterest recipes in the works and a project!  One item I was making needed to sit over night so I haven't completed that recipe but I did finish the Pineapple Chicken and the Broccoli bites.  I don't usually do full posts on the recipes I try but this one needed to be shared.

Ok, first of all I learned a very important lesson.  In fact that lesson jumped up and smacked me in the face. I've learned that perhaps the reason I am not a good cook is because I am never fully prepared and I rarely read the directions until I am ready to start cooking!  No matter how much I try I always start cooking and realize I don't have an ingredient.  It happened yesterday.

So let's start with the Pineapple Chicken.  Here's the original pin.

Pineapple Chicken Bites
Originally found at Undressed Skeleton

Looks delicious right?  I thought so too.  So if you look at the pin itself, whom ever pinned it before me had put cooking instructions in the description and said it was a crock pot recipe.  I bought all the supplies based on the recipe in the description.  But, I didn't even do that correctly because my husband started putting it together and realized we had like two drops of soy sauce left!  So we had to substitute with Worcestershire which I know didn't help my situation.    

I decided to click all the way through to the original site and learned that this was not intended to be a crock pot recipe at all!  But I was already knee deep so I decided to go with it.  Here's the end result:

Hahaha disaster!  It was basically pineapple flavored pulled chicken, similar to pulled pork.  I put it over some rice and it was actually ok but the moral of this story is read ALL the direction on your pin projects, double check that you have all the ingredients and don't trust what people put in the description, go back to the original pinner!  So you're probably thinking I am going to give this a PASS but I'm not.  I don't think that would be fair since I didn't follow directions well.  I'm giving this one a DO-OVER.  I'll follow up when I have time to try this one again.

More successful last night was the Broccoli Bites. 
Originally found at Recipes by Photo

I followed the instructions exactly as suggested, I just added a little more cheese.  It called for  1 1/2 cups and a bags as 2 cups so I figured why not, who doesn't like more cheese?  And the whole bag went in!  They came out exactly as the picture and tasted pretty good!  The only thing I would suggest when making these is to cut your broccoli up a bit.  I was lazy and just dumped a whole bag of florets in the bowl.  It worked but some of the bigger pieces were hard to work with.  Other than that, this one gets a PIN!  

If you know someone who enjoys Pinterest recipes, please share this post, they'll appreciate my struggles with this one!

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